
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 (at least the first 50 digits' worth)

Pi. A "mathematical constant," meaning a number whose value doesn't change no matter the circumstance. This kind of predictability isn't often the case in real life. Most things are in a constant state of flux, regularly affected by the context in which they exist. 

Which makes Pi's infinite, non-repetitive pattern somewhat of a marvel. The perfect day, it would seem, to have Albert Einstein enter into our world. (b. March 14, 1879).  

A theoretical physicist by trade, Einstein spent a lifetime trying to make sense of our surroundings. His accomplishments are many, so many in fact that he took home the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. But his work also provided the nascent seed of the atomic bomb. Einstein, an outspoken pacifist, later joined Oppenheimer in advocating against the development of the even more powerful hydrogen bomb. A plea that went unheeded.

Having unlocked so many of our universe's mysteries, we are now left to decide what to do with the repercussions of that which Einstein first discovered. A heavy burden indeed.

"Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them." - Albert Einstein



